Do you percieve working with a recruiter as a 'Value Add' or 'Necessary Evil'?
Like in any field, there are good professionals and not so good ones.
Consider this, when working with a recruiter. A good recruiter should be creating value in your job search process via:
1. Access to jobs that are not advertised or posted
2. In depth knowledge of the client, and company culture, that the recruiter will share with candidates
3. The ability to schedule interviews for candidates, rather than have them lost in a stack of resumes
4. The strong relationships recruiter has built with hiring authorities
5. Recruiter's ability to negotiate the best compensation package or pay rate
6. Feedback from other candidates recruiters have placed with these clients (inside information)
7. Knowledge of the market (who is growing, downsizing, merging)
8. Most job descriptions / requirements are lengthy, and hard to read. A good recruiter has inside knowledge, from experience and relationship with the hiring authorities, and is able to extract 2-3 key requirements from these wordy job descriptions.
Like in any field, there are good professionals and not so good ones.
Consider this, when working with a recruiter. A good recruiter should be creating value in your job search process via:
1. Access to jobs that are not advertised or posted
2. In depth knowledge of the client, and company culture, that the recruiter will share with candidates
3. The ability to schedule interviews for candidates, rather than have them lost in a stack of resumes
4. The strong relationships recruiter has built with hiring authorities
5. Recruiter's ability to negotiate the best compensation package or pay rate
6. Feedback from other candidates recruiters have placed with these clients (inside information)
7. Knowledge of the market (who is growing, downsizing, merging)
8. Most job descriptions / requirements are lengthy, and hard to read. A good recruiter has inside knowledge, from experience and relationship with the hiring authorities, and is able to extract 2-3 key requirements from these wordy job descriptions.